Helensburgh and District Highland Association
Held at the Commodore Hotel on 25th May 2018
It was a holiday weekend so the attendance at the May dance was disappointing but the 43 members enjoyed the music of the Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band. Ewan has played for us many times and has become a favourite of the Association.
During the break we held the A.G.M. Our retiring President John Johnston reported it had been a year of mixed fortunes with a decline in membership and the numbers down at functions. Even so we were able to donate £1000.00 to charity.
Thankfully a new Committee was formed and John welcomed our new President Mr Neil MacLeod which assures the Association going into its 112th year. Neil can be contacted by telephone on
01436 831284.
The raffle on the night raised £131.00, thanks to all who contributed.
Our next function is a dance on 30th June at 8pm in the Osprey Suite, Commodore Hotel. Music is provided by the Liam Stewart Dance Band trio, so whether you like to listen or dance to great music come along , you’ll be welcomed.