Dance held at the Commodore Hotel, Helensburgh on 28 September 2018
In the absence of President Neil Macleod Vice President John Johnston welcomed 58 members and 4 guests to the September function and introduced the Alan Ross two piece band. Numbers had fallen back a little from last month's attendance but were still up on the previous two months' totals.
The band coped competently on the whole although there was some confusion regarding the tempo for the White Heather Foxtrot. The dancing was as enjoyable as ever.
The raffle raised a respectable £163 and thanks go to those who contributed to the prizes (and to the ticket sellers).
Although the next event was originally intended to be held as one of the customary twice a year ceilidhs with guest performers the committee, after consultation with the members, has opted to omit this element, partly on grounds of cost, and accordingly our next function will be a dance on 26 October, in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore as usual, with music provided by the Wullie Scott Scottish Dance Band. All welcome.