Helensburgh & District Highland Association

Dancing, Music and Song

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Home News Event Review Monthly Function Friday 29th September 2023

Monthly Function Friday 29th September 2023

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Tickets for the Christmas Dance and Hogmanay Party Dance are now on sale..


Christmas Supper Dance Friday 15th December  members  £24  and £28 for non members.


Hogmanay Party Dance  Tickets  members £14  and £20 for non members.





Dance Report September 2023


Dance held at the Commodore Hotel on Friday 29th September 2023


Welcome and opening Remarks by Neil MacLeod, Honorary President.



At the start of the evening at 8.00pm, Honorary President Neil MacLeod began his opening remarks with a genial welcome.


There were 52 people in attendance, all members on this occasion. The bar within the dance hall area was open for refreshments.


The music was performed by the Wayne Robertson Duo, under nicely illuminated stage lights, providing a range of dances starting with the ‘Flirtation Two-Step’ to an immediately full floor of dancers. The Band hire cost was £420.


Tea and coffee was made available timeously at 9.30pm thanks to Eddie who ran the bar during the evening in a most efficient, courteous and helpful manner.

The raffle that followed raised the tidy sum of £154. Thanks to ticket buyers and to everyone who generously provided an abundance of prizes.


After the interval the programme continued with the schedule of dances played at the Band’s sometimes brisk pace and enjoyed by dancers on a busy dance floor.


Comments were readily provided by members during the course of the evening including, “The dance was excellent”, ”A good and cheery band”, “Fast moving tunes”. A few mentions were made about the floor condition towards the end of the evening.


The Honorary President concluded the evening by thanking everyone for attending what proved to be a most entertaining and well attended evening. And of course the evening was concluded with the traditional singing of Auld Lang Syne.


There was a profit of £109.20 after deductions for venue hire, ceilidh band and other associated costs were taken into account.


The next dance will again take place in the Commodore Hotel on *Friday 27th October 2023 with music by the Johnny Duncan Duo.



As it happens, the next dance coincides with the last weekend of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival in Edinburgh. This is the World’s largest celebration of storytelling anchored in Scotland, an acknowledged nation of storytellers or “Seanchaidhean” in Scottish Gaelic. So, who among us will have a tale or two to tell?


Bob McCafferty


Wayne Robertson Duo 


SmileWell Done, all the DancersSmile 























Last Updated on Friday, 27 October 2023 13:14