The Beginning of Helensburgh Highland Association
The Objective of the Association :
A) To bring natives of all parts of the Highlands, Islands, and surrounding districts of Helensburgh into friendly intercourse with each other.
B) Primarily to organise i.e. ceilidh dances in traditional Highland style, for the entertainment and fellowship of its members.
C) Secondarily, to disburse the associations profits to deserving causes and individuals as well as local and national charities.
The Following are actual extracts, taken from the original minute book charting the time-line of the association from its origins:
5th March 1907 - A number of gentlemen decided to contact some 200 gentlemen interested about forming a Highland Association, and they were mostly all in favour.
19th March 1907- At a general meeting a committee was formed ie:
President Mr A Ronald MacGregor
S. Vice President Mr Andrew Penn Woodburn
J. Vice President Mr D S MacLachlan
Secretary Mr John MacDonald (jun)
Treasurer Fr Angus MacIntosh
Pipers W Gow and W MacKinlay
Directors Mr MacPheee, Mr G Sillars, Mr Clark, mr Galbraith, (Luss), Mr MacNaughton, Mr MacGregor (jun)
Thereafter, a constitution was agreed.
2nd April 1907 - Committee meeting held about funds
9th April 1907 - President, Secretary and Treasurer to write and invite Sir Alan John Colquhoun to become Patron of the Association.
A request fom Helensburgh Highland Games for a deputation to meet to wind up and hand over their funds to the Helensburgh Highland Association.
Hold 4 general meetings (believed to mean 'functions') ie Concert in October, Mhod in December, Gathering in January, Smoker in March.
6th Sept 1907 - Sir Alan John Colquhoun now Patron. Helensburgh Highland games dissolved and Highland Association received £2:4:2d.
11th Oct 1907 - Fr MacIntosh said that the motto of the association should be 'GUALAINN RI GUALAINN' (shoulder to shoulder). Posters for a concert to be printed-300 for distribution to shops and 300 tickets @ 2/- and 400 @ 1/- also.
23rd Oct 1907 - Highland Association badges to be struck.
12th Nov 1907 - Sir Allan John Colquhoun to become Chief and Patron.
26th Nov 1907 - Highland Gathering to be held on 16th January 1908, dates noted were 4/12/1907, 4/2/1908, and smoker 4/3/1908, and agreed to get headed paper.
25th Feb 1908 - First AGM President - Mr Ronald A MacGregor
Senior Vice President - Mr Charles A MacHardy (Chief Constable of Dumbarton County)
Junior Vice President - Mr D S MacLachlan
Secretary - Mr D Campbell
Treasurer - Mr H Shields
1910 AGM - Charles A MacHardy was elected President on the resignation of Mr Ronald MacGregor.
9th Dec 1910 - Clan Colquhoun Society amalgamated with Helensburgh Highland Association, and became known as Helensburgh and Clan Colquhoun Highland Association.
13th Mar 1913 - Gaelic class continuing at the night school and Highland Association to guarantee numbers.
16th Apr 1913 - Miss MacDonald of Belmore to send her captain to decorate the hall.
The purvey to be 2/6d from the Imperial Hotel, she would also underwrite the loss from the Highland Association Ball.
7th Nov 1913 - Sir Ian Colquhoun Bart became Chief and Patron.
26th Feb 1914 - Mr Charles MacHardy died.
11th Mar 1914 -Sir Ian Colquhoun became President.
16th Oct 1920- Mr Wm MacLennan (Chief Constable) became president.
The last AGM entry in the minutes book reads :
Chief and Patron Sir Ian Colquhoun Bart
President Mr D S MacLachlan
Vice Presidents Dr Walter Colquhoun
Dr Ewing Hunter
Mr William Russell
Dr Neil Munro
Secretary Insp B MacKinnon, 68 Ardencaple Quadrant.
Treasurer Mr Donald Clark, Tulloch, Craigendorran.
to be ctd.
The Association has remained active until the present day and continues to draw a regular attendance at its functions every month of between 70 and 80 members and guests.