Helensburgh & District Highland Association

Dancing, Music and Song

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Monthly Function Friday 26th January 2024

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Photos from the Function held on 

Friday 26th January 

featuring The Susan MacFadyen duo…


Dance report to follow


 Susan MacFadyen Duo












Last Updated on Wednesday, 31 January 2024 11:52

Hogmanay Dance 2023

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Hogmanay Party Dance held at Geilston Hall Cardross 31 December 2023


After a fall of snow on the 29th of December followed by rain, the 31st dawned bright, dry and

chilly. As a result, the car park outside the Geilston Hall in Cardross was not too muddy. 104 tickets

were issued for the dance – to 32 members. 66 non-members and 16 juveniles.

Music was provided by the Stuart McKeown duo with the man himself on the box, ably assisted by

Ian Armstrong on drums. The band provided fantastic music and Stuart was in good form with great

banter when supporting dancers with clear instructions for a number of dancers so that those new to

ceilidh dancing could join in.

The evening commenced with the traditional greeting by President Neil MacLeod followed by the

Gay Gordons which filled the hall with dancers. It was pleasing to note the floor was full for most

of the evening. Association members got up on the floor to demonstrate couple dances so that

everyone else could follow behind. Stuart McKeown gave instructions for the Circassian Circle, the

Virginia Reel, the Dashing White Sergeant and Strip the Willow. The Orcadian Strip the Willow was

a particular favourite with attendees especially those under 16.

Tea, coffee and juice was served at 10.30 and attendees brought out their own supper to enjoy. The

raffle was also held just after the interval and raised the superb sum of £296. Once again the raffle

money helped defray expenses not covered by ticket income.

At midnight after the countdown to the “bells”, the ever popular balloon drop took place whilst

attendees wished each other a “Happy New Year.”

Just after the bells the hall had its “first foot” (Association Secretary Anne Thorn) who told some

Scottish jokes which were suitable for the audience. Whilst she circulated the hall offering whisky

and Irn Bru to attendees, piper Tam Gray from Dumbarton Pipe Band played some superb tunes

including Highland Cathedral. He was resplendent in his highland dress as he marched up and down

the hall. During one tune Lily and Georgia Dennett, who attend the Margaret Rose School of Dance,

took to the floor to dance an impromptu highland fling.

The dancing continued for another hour and a half punctuated by an impromptu performance from

attendee Gordon Adamson who played a few tunes on his bagpipes. The Hogmanay Party Dance

ended just before 2a.m with closing remarks by the President followed by the last waltz and Auld

Lang Syne.

Grateful thanks to committee members and Association members who helped to set up the hall in

the afternoon and clear up after the dance. Thanks also to those who sold raffle tickets and helped

serve tea, coffee and juice at the interval. A number of non-members have commented on how much

they enjoyed the event and hope that the Association will hold a Hogmanay Party Dance next year.


The next dance will take place on Friday 26th January 2024 In the Osprey Suite with music

provided by the Susan MacFadyen Duo.


Photos from Hogmanay 2023


Stuart McKeown duo with the man himself on the box, ably assisted by Ian Armstrong on drums. 


Tam Gray, Dumbarton Pipe Band  


Anne Brings in the New Year As First Foot 




And on with the night - Well Done the Dancers! 
















Looks like a great night had by all,

***Here's Wishing Everyone a Very Happy New Year*** 


We're No Awa' Tae Bide Awa! 



Last Updated on Monday, 08 January 2024 12:22

Christmas Supper Dance 25 Dec 2023

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Christmas Supper Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 15 December 2023 


A drizzly Helensburgh evening (no surprise there) welcomed the attendees to the 2023 Christmas supper dance. 52 members and 2 guests were present on the night. 

The evening began at the earlier time of 7.30 with the traditional welcome by President Neil MacLeod and the introduction of the musicians for the evening, the inimitable Charlie Kirkpatrick and his band, long standing providers of terpsichorean accompaniment at the Association's annual Christmas celebration. 

The evening's dancing commenced to time with the floor filling for the Gay Gordons followed by a few more dances before a pause for supper. The single course meal provided by the Commodore was enjoyed by all and was followed by tea and coffee with traditional mince pie being distributed by committee members. On this occasion mini apple pies and gluten free mince pies were also available. The raffle followed the meal and, save for a little initial difficulty with the microphone and occasional blue/green confusion with the tickets by the caller, went smoothly with the distribution of a large number of prizes generously donated by members. The raffle raised the not inconsiderable sum of £158 on the night. Thereafter Santa and his assistant elf made their traditional appearance heralded by the band's rendition of Jingle Bells and accompanied by the tintinnabulation of Santa's hand bell, with gift wrapped sweeties being distributed to the tables. 

Dancing after the interval got off to a slightly slow start, due no doubt to the digestive process, but soon picked up and continued thereafter, with a couple of spot dances mixed in, for the rest of the evening until the usual closing with remarks and thanks by the President before the last waltz and Auld Lang Syne. 

Thanks are due to the Commodore bar and serving staff for excellent service over the evening. Regrettably, however, that excellence did not extend to the state of the floor which was somewhat tacky, although not as bad as on some past occasions. 

The next dance will be the Hogmanay Dance with the Stuart McKeown SDB at Geilston Hall, Cardross. The next regular monthly dance will be on Friday 26th January in the Osprey Suite at the Commodore as always with music provided by the Susan MacFadyen SDB. 


Christmas Supper Dance 25 Dec 2023

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Charlie Kirkpatrick S.D.B. 


Santa Arrives (via back Door!) 

And his faithful Elf
In Full Swing 
Round the tables  
And Now, Round The Tables…
Last Updated on Monday, 08 January 2024 12:18

Monthly Function Friday 24th November 23

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Dance held at the Commodore Hotel 24 November 2023



A cold, crisp and thankfully rain free evening saw a healthy cohort of 52 members and one guest assemble for the November dance in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore. The external chill was reflected in the hall to begin with but this was to dissipate once the dancing began. In the absence of President Neil MacLeod, convalescing following a minor surgical procedure, Vice President Chris Mackie welcomed the dancers and introduced the band, Leonard Brown on accordion and Malcolm Ross on drums, and advised that tickets for the Christmas and Hogmanay dances could be purchased on the night,with tickets for the latter also being available at the Christmas dance. Volunteers were also requested to assist with setting up the hall for the Hogmanay dance with the promise of free entry for those participating.


The evening's activity commenced with the Gay Gordons followed by a varied selection of dances to the accompaniment of some truly superb music ranging from brisk marches to perfectly timed old time and modern waltz tunes. The first half proceeded apace and concluded a little earlier than usual for refreshments at the interval. On this occasion the Commodore acquitted itself well with the tea and coffee being available to time and in sufficient quantities despite the early start and thanks are due to the bar staff in that regard, not forgetting the efforts of the committee members involved. It should also be mentioned that the floor was in reasonable condition for dancing, something which has not always been the case of late.


The raffle was held as usual at half time and raised the not inconsiderable sum of £156  

Thanks as ever to those participating and in particular to donors of the prizes.


Admittance fees for the evening amounted to £532 with a further £10 generated by membership dues. Total income with raffle included was £698 with outgoings of £541.80 resulting in a net profit of £146.20 discounting the membership dues received.  


Dancing continued after the interval and the evening ended with an address and thanks from the Vice President. The band, on this occasion a little unexpectedly omitted the traditional  playing of Auld Lang Syne.


The Christmas supper dance will be held in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore on 15 December with music provided by the ever popular Charlie Kirkpatrick SDB.


Photos to follow 

Leonard Brown on accordion and Malcolm Ross on drums 

Last Updated on Tuesday, 05 December 2023 18:18

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