Helensburgh & District Highland Association

Dancing, Music and Song

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Christmas Supper Dance 2018

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Christmas Supper Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 7 December 2018



66 members and guests (including visitors from Australia) braved some pretty atrocious weather to attend the annual Christmas supper dance at the Commodore and were royally entertained by the inimitable Charlie Kirkpatrick and his band, with Charlie's patter as amusing (if weel kent) as ever.


President Neil MacLeod provided a welcome and dancing continued until an excellent supper was served by the Commodore staff. The traditional appearance of Santa and his vivacious elf assistant (ably played as usual by Ewan and Janette Howieson) was the highlight of the evening and was loudly welcomed by the party.


The raffle raised a total of £182 and thanks go to those who contributed to the prizes and, of course, all who bought tickets.


The second half provided more great music to dance to and included a spot dance. The President wound up the proceedings followed by the last waltz and the traditional Auld Lang Syne before the weary dancers departed, thankfully in somewhat less wet and windy conditions than on arrival.


Our next function will be the Hogmanay Dance at Geilston Hall, Cardross








                                                                                  Charlie Kirkpatrick Scottish Dance band


                      no introductions here!                              








Eric & Sarah, spot Prize winners  





Round the tables


Round the tables

Round the tables

Round the tables

 Round the tables  Round the tables Round the tables

                  Grace wins the Christmas Bottle!!


Round the tables 


Kevin & Pat , all the way from Australia for our Christmas Ceilidh! 


More photos to follow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 


Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 January 2019 14:43

Monthly Function Friday 30th November 2018

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Monthly Function Friday 30th November 2018




Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 30 November 2018



Numbers were somewhat down on last month's dance with a total of 49 members attending together with 10 non-members including a Canadian ex-pat on a visit home with family members (who have indicated an interest in returning) and a couple from Alexandria (not the Egyptian city!). Ticket sales brought in a total of £492.


Notwithstanding the lower turnout a most enjoyable evening was had by all, dancing to some superb music by the Wayne Robertson Scottish Dance Band who fairly rattled through the programme.


The raffle raised £141 and thanks to those who donated prizes and, of course, those who purchased tickets.


The floor was in better condition than at the last dance after representation to the hotel management and, thankfully, tea and coffee arrived in suitably large pots after the problems of last month. It was noted, however, that there were insufficient tea bags in the pot for a decent cuppa.



Our next function will be the Christmas  supper dance on 7 December in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore Hotel with music provided by the ever reliable Charlie Kirkpatrick Scottish Dance Band. 



Emma , a visitor from Canada, dancing a fine Gay Gordons Two Step..   Well Done The Dancers!


Bruce Wayne Scottish dance Band 





Last Updated on Thursday, 06 December 2018 18:10

Monthly Function Friday 26th October 2018

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Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 26 October 2018



A healthy attendance of 66 members and 12 guests braved a distinctly chilly but thankfully rain free evening to attend the event at the Commodore, bringing in a total of £648 in entrance fees. Originally intended to be a ceilidh evening, due to lack of interest of the members it was instead a night of dancing to the music of the ever reliable Wullie Scott. Looking rather lonely on the stage after a late cancellation by a fellow band member, Wullie nevertheless filled the hall with some great music (amazing the volume, variety and richness of sound a single accordion combined with modern technology can produce!) and, to his credit, had mastered the modern waltz tempo for Waltz Catherine after some confusion at his last appearance.


Regrettably there was some delay in the serving of teas and coffees at the interval due to a strange miscalculation of the volumes required on the part of the Commodore – one small teapot and coffee flagon were totally inadequate for the numbers requiring to be served and there were lengthy delays in providing refills. Apologies to those kept waiting for refreshments. On the plus side the raffle raised a grand total of £202 and thanks go to those who contributed to the prizes.


Our next function will be a dance on 30 November in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore Hotel with music provided by the Wayne Robertson Scottish Dance Band. All welcome as ever.

 Wullie Scott on Accordion
Well Done The Dancers! 
Well Done The Dancers!         Well Done The Dancers!
Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 December 2018 09:32

Monthly Function Friday 28th September 2018

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Dance held at the Commodore Hotel, Helensburgh on 28 September 2018



In the absence of President Neil Macleod Vice President John Johnston welcomed 58 members and 4 guests to the September function and introduced the  Alan Ross two piece band. Numbers had fallen back a little from last month's attendance but were still up on the previous two months' totals.


The band coped competently on the whole although there was some confusion regarding the tempo for the White Heather Foxtrot. The dancing was as enjoyable as ever.


The raffle raised a respectable £163 and thanks go to those who contributed to the prizes (and to the ticket sellers).


Although the next event was originally intended to be held as one of the customary twice a year ceilidhs with guest performers the committee, after consultation with the members, has opted to omit this element, partly on grounds of cost, and accordingly our next function will be a dance on 26 October, in the Osprey Suite of the  Commodore as usual, with music provided by the Wullie Scott Scottish Dance Band.  All welcome.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 04 December 2018 08:29

Monthly Function Friday 31st August 2018

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Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 31 August 2018



Another enjoyable evening's dancing at the Commodore with the Scott Band SDB heralded a gratifying uptick in numbers over the previous few events. 72 members attended with a further 7 paying non-members, 2 free entries courtesy of the vouchers printed in the Community Mag. (limited success with this endeavour, but worth a try) and another couple of free entrants linked to a Romanian wedding party. A grand total of 83. In addition to the Romanian contingent other far flung areas represented were Sri Lanka and New Zealand. Total ticket revenue amounted to £646.


The raffle prize table was well laden (many thanks to those who contributed) and the raffle raised £206, again a marked increase over recent events.


Our next function will be a dance on 28 September in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore Hotel with music provided by the Alan Ross Scottish Dance Band. All welcome as ever.



Scott Band Scottish Dance Band 


Birthday Girl Wilma...Many Happy Returns


Our visiting Romanian Wedding Party..


And our visitors from Switzerland..


Well Done The Dancers! 


 Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!













Last Updated on Friday, 28 September 2018 20:34

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