Dance held at the Commodore Hotel 24 November 2023
A cold, crisp and thankfully rain free evening saw a healthy cohort of 52 members and one guest assemble for the November dance in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore. The external chill was reflected in the hall to begin with but this was to dissipate once the dancing began. In the absence of President Neil MacLeod, convalescing following a minor surgical procedure, Vice President Chris Mackie welcomed the dancers and introduced the band, Leonard Brown on accordion and Malcolm Ross on drums, and advised that tickets for the Christmas and Hogmanay dances could be purchased on the night,with tickets for the latter also being available at the Christmas dance. Volunteers were also requested to assist with setting up the hall for the Hogmanay dance with the promise of free entry for those participating.
The evening's activity commenced with the Gay Gordons followed by a varied selection of dances to the accompaniment of some truly superb music ranging from brisk marches to perfectly timed old time and modern waltz tunes. The first half proceeded apace and concluded a little earlier than usual for refreshments at the interval. On this occasion the Commodore acquitted itself well with the tea and coffee being available to time and in sufficient quantities despite the early start and thanks are due to the bar staff in that regard, not forgetting the efforts of the committee members involved. It should also be mentioned that the floor was in reasonable condition for dancing, something which has not always been the case of late.
The raffle was held as usual at half time and raised the not inconsiderable sum of £156
Thanks as ever to those participating and in particular to donors of the prizes.
Admittance fees for the evening amounted to £532 with a further £10 generated by membership dues. Total income with raffle included was £698 with outgoings of £541.80 resulting in a net profit of £146.20 discounting the membership dues received.
Dancing continued after the interval and the evening ended with an address and thanks from the Vice President. The band, on this occasion a little unexpectedly omitted the traditional playing of Auld Lang Syne.
The Christmas supper dance will be held in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore on 15 December with music provided by the ever popular Charlie Kirkpatrick SDB.
Photos to follow