Dance held at The Commodore Hotel 24 February 2023
A seasonably chilly February evening welcomed 43 members and 3 non members to an evening's dancing at the Osprey Suite in the Commodore. Thankfully – and unusually for Helensburgh on dance nights - it was rain free, making the journey to and fro more pleasant than usual. It should be mentioned that 44 members' tickets were actually paid for with one life member who couldn't attend generously donating the ticket price.
Accompaniment for the dancers was provided by the Gavin Piper Duo with the man himself, a stalwart of the Box and Fiddle circuit, on the button box, ably assisted by Calum Wallace on drums. It has to be said that the music was simply superb, from the choice of tunes to the perfect tempo for set dances, waltzes (old time and modern), foxtrots and everything else in the programme.
The evening commenced with the traditional greeting by President Neil MacLeod and the dancing commenced with the Eva Three Step in the somewhat idiosyncratic Helensburgh style with the band keeping the dances coming in fairly quick succession thereafter. It was pleasing to note the floor being full for most of the dances with the set dances generally having at least a couple of sets in action.
Tea and coffee were served at half time, not without difficulties being encountered with the hotel's service: beverages were not timeously produced, with the initial provision of tea being neither sufficient nor hot enough and both tea and coffee pots requiring to be refilled. Not the first time there have been problems with the hotel's service! In addition the hotel were either unable or unwilling to provide the usual sandwiches for the band necessitating a quick trip to Tesco to procure the same.
The raffle was also held at half time and raised the not inconsiderable sum of £131. A big thank you to those who purchased tickets and especially to donors of the prizes. It's worth noting at this stage that, given the regrettably continuing low turn out at dances the income from raffles (which was intended originally to be a means of raising money for charity) is heavily subsidising the cost of the functions which would otherwise show a loss. In this instance total ticket sale amounted to £382 while expenditure on the hall, band etc. was £488, showing a loss of £106 without raffle income and a meagre profit of £25 taking the raffle into account. On a happier note Secretary Anne Thorn announced to the assemblage that President Neil MacLeod and wife Christina were celebrating 50 years of wedded bliss with Christina being presented with a bouquet of flowers, all much to the surprise of the President.
The evening ended about 11.30 pm with closing remarks by the President followed by the last waltz and Auld Lang Syne.
The next dance will take place on Friday 31 March In the Osprey Suite with music provided by the James Coutts Duo.
Well Done to all the Dancers!