Helensburgh & District Highland Association

Dancing, Music and Song

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Monthly Function Friday 31st May 2019

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Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 31 May 2019



Turnout at the May dance on a thoroughly dreich evening was modest with only 49 members attending. The numbers were, however, boosted a little with a count of 10 non-members.


Music was provided by the ever reliable Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band who drew dancers onto the floor with a perfectly judged selection of tunes. The band fairly raced through the programme and two extra dances were fitted in at the end.


The Annual General meeting was held at half time, with the Minutes of the last AGM being read by Secretary Ronnie Reardon, financial report by Ewan Howieson and the President's report by Vice President John Johnston in the absence of Association, President Neil MacLeod. 

It was announced that two Directors were retiring from the committee, Jim Gray and Andrew Rankin.  

The rest of the committee, as per the constitution, stood down at the meeting and all were re-elected, no other names being put forward to fill the vacancies. 

A minute's silence was also held at the commencement of the meeting in honour of two members who have sadly passed away since the last AGM, Andy Love and Jack Inglis.


There was a slight delay for refills of the tea and coffee pots at the interval leaving some dancers waiting to slake their thirsts.....apologies to those affected. It's also worth noting that the condition of the floor was not ideal, being somewhat “stickier” than usual. Hopefully that will have improved for the next dance.


The raffle raised a respectable total of £167 and, as ever, thanks to those donating prizes and purchasing tickets.


Closing remarks were given by John Johnston and the evening ended in traditional fashion with a last waltz and Auld Lang Syne.


Our next event will be a dance in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore on Friday 28 June 2019 with music provided by Liam Stewart. All welcome as ever.


Monthly Function Friday 26th April 2019

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Monthly Function Friday 26th April 2019


The Association’s monthly function was held in the usual venue of the Osprey Suite, Commodore Hotel, Helensburgh.

The evening was opened by our President, Neil MacLeod, who welcomed all present, including a group of Polish and Canadian visitors.

It is always a pleasure to see new faces coming along.


For many years, donations of between One Thousand and Two Thousand Pounds have been dispersed locally, and in keeping with its longstanding tradition of donating annually, any profits, to local good causes, this year, we were pleased to be able to give away a total of Sixteen Hundred Pounds, divided amongst the following organisations.


Helensburgh Food Bank: £500  -  St Augustines Foodbank, Dumbarton £500  -  Rhu Scouts  £300  


Grey Matters, Helensburgh:  £300 

Representatives of all the organisations joined us for a night of dancing, with music provided by the 

Roy Hendrie Scottish Dance Band, and are pictured here along with the Association President, 

Neil MacLeod, and Treasurer, Ewan Howieson.


As always, visitors local and further afield are invited to join us at our regular events, held on the last friday of every month. 

All  will be  will be made most welcome. 

Our next Ceilidh dance Function will take place on Friday 31st May and will feature 

the Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band. 


Good Causes Donation Recipients 

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 April 2019 08:27

Monthly Function Friday 29th March 2019

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Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 29 March 2019



On a pleasantly surprising rain free night in Helensburgh the welcome and introduction were given by  Vice President John Johnston in the absence on holiday of President Neil MacLeod.


Playing on the night were the Lomond Ceilidh Band, minus their usual fiddler and with a second box filling in. Notwithstanding the change in lineup the music produced was of the highest quality and special mention is due to the perfect tempo for the Viennese Swing, something which other bands have often struggled with. Dancing progressed apace through the advertised programme and a couple of extra dances were fitted in.


Numbers on the night were on a par with those of February's dance with 53 members and 2 non members attending.


The raffle raised a total of £150, somewhat more than last month, and, as ever, thanks to those donating prizes and purchasing tickets.


Closing remarks were given by John Johnston and the evening ended in traditional fashion with a last waltz and Auld Lang Syne.


Our next event will be a dance in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore on 26 April 2019 with music provided by the  Roy Hendrie Scottish Dance Band. All welcome as ever.



Lomond Ceilidh Band


Many Happy Returns to George on a Special Birthday



Well Done the Dancers!



Well Done the Dancers! 


Well Done the Dancers!



 Well Done the Dancers!






Well Done the Dancers!


Well Done the Dancers! Who happens to also be our resident photographer!  

Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 April 2019 15:55

Monthly Function Friday 25th January 2019

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Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 25 January 2019



Despite a fairly dreich evening a respectable turnout of 64 members and 4 non-members were welcomed by President Neil MacLeod to an evening's dancing at the Commodore. Included in the numbers were a party celebrating a 50th birthday.

The Iain Anderson SDB who had been scheduled to play on the night had regrettably had to call off but were ably replaced by the Donald MacLeod two piece band providing some excellent lively music, though with some little confusion as to the correct tempo for Saunter Together.


The raffle raised the sum of £112 and thanks go to those who contributed to the prizes as well as those who purchased tickets.


Our next event will be a dance and not a Ceilidh as originally advertised due to lack of interest in the latter and will be held as ever in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore on 22 February 2019 with music provided by the  Stuart McKeown Scottish Dance Band. All welcome.

Donald MacLeod Scottish Dance Band 
Well Done the Dancers! 
Well Done the Dancers! 
Andy McNeil's Son in Law, Jack, celebrating a Birthday with us tonight.
Rest of the Birthday Party Group.. 
Well Done the Dancers! 
Well Done the Dancers! 
Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 08:46

Hogmanay Ceilidh Dance 2018

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Hogmanay Ceilidh Dance 2018


Doors open at 8pm and the hall filled up fairly quickly, although not with quite the same urgency as witnessed on previous years!

This may have been due to the fact that at least half of those attending were not members of the Highland Association. However, without that influx of guests, we may have struggled to fill the hall.

Nevertheless, the night got off to a great start come 9pm, with a welcome from our 

President, Neil McLeod and music courtesy of the Stuart McKeown Scottish Dance Band, excellent as always.

The evening progressed well, with Piper Daryll Lynch giving a fine rendition of tunes straight after the Bells..

Shortly thereafter, we had the honour of our very own Jim Gray arriving at the door as our First Foot, issuing Good Wishes and Good Cheer, with the offer of a Dram for all present.


Dancing continued until 2am at which point farewells were said and Auld Lang Syne completed a very successful Hogmanay.


Thanks to all those members who assisted in the clearing of the hall after the event.

It was much appreciated!



Stuart McKeown Scottish Dance Band


Well Done The Dancers! 


Well Done The Dancers!


well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!Well Done The Dancers!



Our Piper, Daryll Lynch 



Well Done The Dancers! 

Last Updated on Friday, 25 January 2019 15:02

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