Helensburgh & District Highland Association

Dancing, Music and Song

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Monthly Function Friday 31st August 2018

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Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 31 August 2018



Another enjoyable evening's dancing at the Commodore with the Scott Band SDB heralded a gratifying uptick in numbers over the previous few events. 72 members attended with a further 7 paying non-members, 2 free entries courtesy of the vouchers printed in the Community Mag. (limited success with this endeavour, but worth a try) and another couple of free entrants linked to a Romanian wedding party. A grand total of 83. In addition to the Romanian contingent other far flung areas represented were Sri Lanka and New Zealand. Total ticket revenue amounted to £646.


The raffle prize table was well laden (many thanks to those who contributed) and the raffle raised £206, again a marked increase over recent events.


Our next function will be a dance on 28 September in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore Hotel with music provided by the Alan Ross Scottish Dance Band. All welcome as ever.



Scott Band Scottish Dance Band 


Birthday Girl Wilma...Many Happy Returns


Our visiting Romanian Wedding Party..


And our visitors from Switzerland..


Well Done The Dancers! 


 Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!


Well Done The Dancers!













Last Updated on Friday, 28 September 2018 20:34

Monthly Function Friday 27th July 2018

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Monthly Function Friday 27th July 2018

President Neil Macleod welcomed 54 members and guests to the July dance held in the Osprey suite at the Commodore hotel. Once again numbers were on the low side, no doubt to it being the holiday season. Never the less the floor was busy with dancers all evening, due in no small part to some wonderful music played by the Nicky McMichen  S.D.B. with George Gray on drums, Mathew McLennan on second box and Nicky on lead. The raffle raised £132.00 so thanks to everyone who donated prizes and bought raffle tickets. 

Our next function is on the 31st August when the band will be the Scott Band S.D.B. another excellent band to dance to. Look forward to seeing everyone 


Nicky McMichen Scottish Dance Band 


Well Done the Dancers! 


Well Done The Dancers! 



Last Updated on Tuesday, 07 August 2018 17:18

Monthly Function Friday 29th June 2018

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Helensburgh and District Highland Association


Held at the Commodore Hotel on 29 June 2018



Numbers attending were again a little disappointing due in part to the exceptionally good weather, though slightly up on last month with 48 members and 6 guests.


Excellent and lively music was provided by the Liam Stewart Band and was much appreciated by the dancers who coped admirably with conditions more reminiscent of the tropics than the average Scottish summer. The iced water jugs proved essential!

 The raffle this month raised £140 - Thank you to all who donated and of course those who purchased tickets.

Surplus profits will, as usual be donated to good causes at the end of our season. 


Our next function will be a dance on 27 July in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore Hotel with music provided by the ever popular Nicky McMichan Scottish Dance Band. All welcome, whether to dance or simply listen to some great music.


In the meantime, for those interested there is the Lomond Arms Hotel in Luss is hosting the Luss Highland Games Ceilidh on Saturday 7 July at 8pm. Tickets £5 at the door.


Liam Stewart Scottish Dance Band 



Well Done the Dancers!! 











Last Updated on Monday, 09 July 2018 06:50


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Last Updated on Monday, 11 June 2018 12:42

Monthly Function Friday 25th May 2018

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Helensburgh and District Highland Association

Held at the Commodore Hotel on 25th May 2018

It was a holiday weekend so the attendance at the May dance was disappointing but the 43 members enjoyed the music of the Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band.  Ewan has played for us many times and has become a favourite of the Association.


During the break we held the A.G.M.  Our retiring President John Johnston reported it had been a year of mixed fortunes with a decline in membership and the numbers down at functions.  Even so we were able to donate £1000.00 to charity.  

Thankfully a new Committee was formed and John welcomed our new President Mr Neil MacLeod which assures the Association going into its 112th year.  Neil can be contacted by telephone on 

01436 831284.


The raffle on the night raised £131.00, thanks to all who contributed.


Our next function is a dance on 30th June at 8pm in the Osprey Suite, Commodore Hotel.  Music is provided by the Liam Stewart Dance Band trio, so whether you like to listen or dance to great music come along , you’ll be welcomed.


Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band 


New Association President, Mr Neil MacLeod 


Newly elected committee members(see info area of site for detail) 


Well donethe dancers!! 




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