Dance Held at the Commodore Hotel on 31 August 2018
Another enjoyable evening's dancing at the Commodore with the Scott Band SDB heralded a gratifying uptick in numbers over the previous few events. 72 members attended with a further 7 paying non-members, 2 free entries courtesy of the vouchers printed in the Community Mag. (limited success with this endeavour, but worth a try) and another couple of free entrants linked to a Romanian wedding party. A grand total of 83. In addition to the Romanian contingent other far flung areas represented were Sri Lanka and New Zealand. Total ticket revenue amounted to £646.
The raffle prize table was well laden (many thanks to those who contributed) and the raffle raised £206, again a marked increase over recent events.
Our next function will be a dance on 28 September in the Osprey Suite of the Commodore Hotel with music provided by the Alan Ross Scottish Dance Band. All welcome as ever.