Helensburgh & District Highland Association

Dancing, Music and Song

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Last Updated on Monday, 11 June 2018 12:42

Monthly Function Friday 25th May 2018

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Helensburgh and District Highland Association

Held at the Commodore Hotel on 25th May 2018

It was a holiday weekend so the attendance at the May dance was disappointing but the 43 members enjoyed the music of the Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band.  Ewan has played for us many times and has become a favourite of the Association.


During the break we held the A.G.M.  Our retiring President John Johnston reported it had been a year of mixed fortunes with a decline in membership and the numbers down at functions.  Even so we were able to donate £1000.00 to charity.  

Thankfully a new Committee was formed and John welcomed our new President Mr Neil MacLeod which assures the Association going into its 112th year.  Neil can be contacted by telephone on 

01436 831284.


The raffle on the night raised £131.00, thanks to all who contributed.


Our next function is a dance on 30th June at 8pm in the Osprey Suite, Commodore Hotel.  Music is provided by the Liam Stewart Dance Band trio, so whether you like to listen or dance to great music come along , you’ll be welcomed.


Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance Band 


New Association President, Mr Neil MacLeod 


Newly elected committee members(see info area of site for detail) 


Well donethe dancers!! 




Monthly Function Friday 27th April 2018

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Helensburgh and District Highland Association.

Report of the Dance on 27th April 2018.

We welcomed 78 members and guests, (a special warm welcome to friends from Ireland) to the Associations April dance.

The music was provided by the Roy Hendrie Scottish Dance Band.  Their selection of tunes and timing were superb to dance to , and if you don’t dance great to listen to.


Our April function is usually the night we give donations to local charities, but this year we have already donated £1000.00 to the Fisherman’s Trust to help with the raising of the Nancy Glen trawler which tragically sunk at Tarbert.  For many years the people of Tarbert supported the Association and we felt privileged to be able to help in some small way.  Fortunately the trawler has now been raised.

 The money we are able to donate is down to the generosity of our members who contribute prizes and purchase raffle tickets during the year.  Many thanks to you all.

 On the night  the raffle raised a wonderful £197.00, thanks again.


Our next function is a dance on 25th May in the Osprey Suite at the Commodore Hotel starting at 8 p.m.  The music is provided by a band who have entertained us many times, the Ewan Galloway Scottish Dance band.  The A.G.M. will take place during the break.


Please join us for a great evening of music and dancing, we would be delighted to see you.   


Function due on 23rd March 2018

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Attention Please


Due to a booking error on the part of the venue, The Commodore Hotel, Helensburgh. The function on Friday, 23rd March 2018 has had to be cancelled.

Apologies to all who had planned to attend the event.


Charitable Donation

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The Nancy Glen Fund Campaign

On the 18th of January 2018 the Nancy Glen fishing boat of Tarbert was tragically taken by the  West Coast of Scotland waters it fished.  One fisherman survived, sadly the two other crew Duncan MacDougall and Przemek Krawczyk have not been found although it's thought they were on the vessel which now lies on the seabed.

The families wish to retrieve their loved ones as soon as possible,which will take great resource. In addition the fishermen have left wives and young children behind. The Clyde Fishermen want to help do all they can to assist these families at this time and in the future. We ask for support in this task. Please give generously so that these families may lay their men to rest and that their children are supported through the tough times ahead.




For many years past, we, in The Helensburgh Highland Association have had the support of numerous Tarbert folk, attending our functions.



In a unanimous decision by the committee, which was subsequently supported by the membership, it was decided to make this years ‘Good Cause’ donation of £1000 to the Nancy Glen Fund.


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